
Reverse interior doors

The unconventional reverse door design allows you to change the traditional way of opening the door inwards.

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Reverse interior doors
Reverse interior doors
The unconventional reverse door design allows you to change the traditional way of opening the door inwards. With this system, the door opens in the opposite direction, into the door frame. From a practical point of view, they are therefore particularly suitable for narrow corridors and spaces where their use is a necessity. However, their design is very aesthetic, as the door leaf is flush with the door frame.
The reversible door is therefore a functional and design-oriented model, suitable for customers who like clean and unobtrusive lines while maintaining the functionality of the opening. The door flushes with the trim, creating maximum uniformity in the interior. The reverse door is closest to a frameless door, but it always opens outwards from the frame.

Monte Móry | KUNAJIndividual | Reverse doors

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  • Features
  • Suitable for small spaces
  • Aesthetic and clean solution
  • Great choice in specification (material, colour, dimensions...)


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