Martin Smoleňák

Cherry blossom - a blossoming symbol of love

What other tree would better symbolise the sun-drenched May - the time of love, if not the cherry tree?


Have you had a May Day kiss under its blossoming crown? Then join us to learn more about its origins and properties. The cherry tree comes from the city of Kerasund, one of the ports in Asia Minor, where the cherry tree was brought to Rome by the Roman commander Lucullus, according to ancient records. This was in the 1st century BC. Later, the cherry tree began to travel all over Europe and became a magnificent ornament of our garden parks. In such places as Japan, cherry blossoms are even celebrated, their flowering is celebrated as a national holiday by the people there. For them, the cherry blossom is a national symbol. "Sakura" for them represents not only a pleasant spring, but mainly renewal and hope.

The Japanese are true cherry blossom lovers. You can even buy cherry blossom ice cream in Japan. Cherry trees are beautiful not only in spring, but also throughout the summer. To this day, the cherry tree is rightly a representative of happiness, love and joy in many cultures. Its appearance can be seen in early spring, when its blossoms bloom pink. However, there are more than 200 different varieties of cherry trees in the world, and their blossoms are not always just pink. They may be coloured white or yellow, or their colour may change over time. Most cherry trees have leaves that turn fiery red and fall off in autumn.

The tree has a majestic crown and sweet fruit that will enchant everyone with its splendour, but most of all with its taste. The soil in which the cherries are grown should be permeable and well aerated. The cherry is a popular wood for veneer production and also for decorative veneering. With minimal wood surface area, it can brighten up a large space and give it a luxurious look. The wood can be used to make beautiful bowls, wooden decorations or furniture.

It is a great pity to use such beautiful wood, with which you have lived in symbiosis in your garden for years, as firewood for your fireplace. In pizza ovens or smokehouses, however, the use of cherry wood is a passion. Properly selected, cherry wood for smoking gives the meat the right flavour, aroma and colour. Cherry wood has distinctive summer rings and a considerable grain. It is hard and durable, which has also found its application in the manufacture of kitchen worktops. Cherry wood is also used to make jewellery and has also found its application in haberdashery in the manufacture of small buttons or brooches. The life span of cherry trees is surprisingly shorter than that of other tree species. It is estimated at 20-30 years. A special species is the black cherry, which can grow for up to 250 years, which is quite a difference.

Did you know that cherry blossoms are edible? You can make Japanese tea from them or even use them as an edible garnish. They are said to taste great lightly salted. But cherry blossoms don't just fascinate us with their appearance. They are a popular ingredient in famous perfumes. There are more than 350,000 cherry trees planted in Macon, Georgia! Local real estate broker William A. Fickling Sr. found one of these trees on his property in 1949. Captivated by them, he kept trying to learn more about them and so he created a huge cherry orchard. Since then, he's been called "the father of cherries" by more than just locals. If your future steps lead you to Washington and you long for a cherry blossom branch, know that such a feat is not worth pursuing. It is considered vandalism, which can even be punished by arrest.

Author of the paper
Martin Smoleňák

Managing director and chief economic officer of the company who takes care of the company's finances and business. "Business is not won by price but by trust."

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