Martin Smoleňák

Earth Day - 22 April

International Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April to highlight the importance of protecting nature and the environment.


This day was introduced in 1970 in the United States of America and is currently celebrated all over the world.

The aim of International Earth Day is to raise awareness of environmental and nature protection. It is a day when all people realise that they live in one world and that it is our duty to protect and preserve nature for future generations.

This day is also an important moment to recognise the importance of all the natural resources at our disposal and to use them responsibly. People need to realise that if we do not manage our natural resources properly, we could lose invaluable resources that provide us with food, water, clean air and many other things that are essential to our lives.

Nowadays, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, many countries are suffering from air pollution, water and soil pollution and deforestation. These problems have a negative impact on the health and quality of life of the population and threaten biodiversity.

That is why it is important to realise that each of us can take small steps to protect nature and the environment. For example, we can minimise our energy consumption, sort waste, use recyclable materials, promote eco-friendly products and use public transport instead of cars.

In order to tackle environmental problems and protect nature, it is important that we work together not only as individuals, but also as a society and as countries. International organisations and agreements, such as the UN Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biodiversity or the Paris Agreement, are important steps in this endeavour.

Many countries organise events and activities on International Earth Day. These may include fund-raising events, park and beach clean-ups, discussions on conservation issues, or events dedicated to environmental education. These activities are important not only to raise awareness of environmental problems, but also to foster a common will to tackle them.

In addition, International Earth Day gives us the opportunity to reflect and evaluate our successes and failures in conservation. It is a day to reflect on our environmental goals and our plans to achieve them.

In conclusion, the protection of nature and the environment is key to sustainable development and to ensuring the quality of life for future generations. International Earth Day gives us an opportunity to raise awareness of this issue and to promote joint efforts to tackle environmental problems. It is therefore important that we recognise the importance of this day and that we support environmental initiatives and activities that will help us to protect nature and the environment for future generations.

Author of the paper
Martin Smoleňák

Managing director and chief economic officer of the company who takes care of the company's finances and business. "Business is not won by price but by trust."

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