Martin Smoleňák

Why is it important to ventilate?

If you ever feel that your house or apartment is uncomfortably damp, there could be a number of things behind it.


Moisture can be caused, for example, by washing and drying clothes, cooking, showering or even breathing. In order to avoid the unwanted effects of moisture, it is important to ventilate properly.

Do you feel that your room is too humid? You may have already noticed that the windows are fogged up and you can feel moisture in the air. If this is happening, you need to ventilate properly to reduce the humidity in the room.

Open windows are the easiest and very important style of ventilation as it helps to remove moisture from the room. Windows should be opened wide and left to ventilate for at least 10-15 minutes a day. This is even in winter. Ventilating through a "fan" on the window is not as effective and tends to cool the room, without the desired ventilation.

Forced ventilation (or heat recovery) works by exchanging air from the room and heating it at the same time. This makes it very good in the winter as it doesn't cool the air in the room and you also have plenty of fresh air, which helps to draw away moisture that can cause mould to spread.

If you have a humidity problem, you can also use dehumidifiers to help eliminate moisture from the room. There are also various technologies available, such as smart thermostats, that can help maintain the right level of humidity in rooms. Because humidity can have a negative impact on indoor air quality, it's important to make sure your home is properly ventilated. Ventilation is an easy way to keep your home healthy and comfortable. However, if you have any concerns about air quality, you can contact an air quality professional to help you address the issues and suggest solutions to improve the air quality in your home or apartment.

If you are still unclear about how to ventilate properly, here are some tips that may help you:

  • Ventilate regularly: it is important to ventilate rooms regularly, especially on warm and humid days. Ideally, you should ventilate at least once a day for 10-15 minutes.
  • Open windows in different parts of the room: open windows in different parts of the room to let air into the whole space. If you have more than one window in the room, open them all.
  • Ventilate even in winter: ventilation is not only important in summer, but also in winter. If you don't want to keep your windows open for more than 10-15 minutes, you can buy ventilated grilles that allow air to flow even when the windows are closed.
  • Ventilate the kitchen thoroughly: the kitchen is a room where there is a lot of vapour and moisture. It is therefore important to ventilate it frequently and thoroughly.
  • Heat recovery and dehumidifiers: if you have a heat recovery or dehumidifier in your home, you should clean it regularly and keep it in good condition to keep it working properly.

Moisture in the house can cause a variety of problems such as mold, mildew and bad air. Therefore, it is important to take care of proper ventilation and maintain optimum humidity levels in the rooms. With a few simple steps and the use of available technologies, you can maintain a comfortable and healthy atmosphere in your house or apartment.

Author of the paper
Martin Smoleňák

Managing director and chief economic officer of the company who takes care of the company's finances and business. "Business is not won by price but by trust."

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